OCIE Releases Cybersecurity and Resiliency Observations

Author: Jamie Cahal Cybersecurity has been a concern for market participants for quite some time and continues to remain on the SEC’s 2020 list of examination priorities. In January, the SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) released a publication on some of its cybersecurity observations in recent years and how to evaluate and…

What the OCIE Risk Alert Means for Funds

Authors: Cheryl Leibowitz and Alisha Dowell Earlier this month, the SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) released a risk alert specifying the most commonly cited areas of compliance deficiencies during the course of mutual fund, money market fund, and target-date fund exams. Similar to investment advisers, mutual funds are subject to routine examinations….

SEC’s Proposed Amendments to Advertising Rule

Authors: Alisha Dowell & Chris Payne On November 4, 2019, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) announced its long-promised changes to the Investment Advisers Act regulations relating to advertisements. The proposed changes seek to modernize regulations to “reflect changes in technology, the expectations of investors seeking advisory services, and the evolution of…

The Effect of Zero Dollar Commissions on Wrap Fee Programs

Author: Kaley Mitts & Chris Payne On October 1st, Charles Schwab and TD Ameritrade announced they will reduce their commissions on U.S. stocks, exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), and option trades to zero. On October 2nd, their rival E*Trade Financial joined in the race to zero commissions, leaving only Fidelity standing resolute (for now). In the last…

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