Looking Forward to Fall? SEC Division of Examinations Announces 2024 Priorities

10/19/2023 By Jared Calvert, Director, Compliance Services Changing leaves, cooler air, and pumpkin spiced lattes are not the only things investment advisers have to look forward to this fall. On October 16, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Division of Examinations released its exam priorities for 2024.  This came eight short months after the…

SEC Press Release 9.11.2023 – Takeaways

By Lisa Ward, Director of Marketing Review and Matt Giggey, Director, Compliance Services As part of a sweep conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, charges were brought against nine registered investment advisers for advertising hypothetical performance to the general public on their websites without adopting and/or implementing policies and procedures required by the Marketing…

SEC Risk Alert 9.6.23- A Breakdown for Advisors

By Sarah Schmidt, Consultant On September 6th, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a risk alert titled, “Investment Advisers: Assessing Risks, Scoping Examinations, and Requesting Documents.” This seven-page document delves into the thought process behind examinations. It also includes attachments containing the typical examination procedures and document requests made by the SEC staff…

PART I: Addressing Recent OCIE Risks—Inadequate Compliance Resources

Author: Amy D’Avella This is the first in a series of blogs which will analyze the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections & Examination’s (OCIE) November 19 Risk Alert, titled OCIE Observations: Investment Adviser Compliance Programs.[1] I. Context Since requiring investment advisers to appoint Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) in 2003[2], the SEC has treated CCOs as…

Risk Alert: OCIE Releases Risk Alert Targeting CCOs and Compliance programs

Coinciding with the SEC’s annual Compliance Outreach Program National Seminar, on November 19 the Office of Compliance Inspections & Examinations (OCIE) released a risk alert titled OCIE Observations: Investment Adviser Compliance Programs. This is the first risk alert in five years specific to Chief Compliance Officers (CCO), and comes at a time when compliance programs…

A Custody Rule Refresher

Author: Ashley Hatt In 2009, the SEC subjected advisors to a new list of Custody Rule requirements that sent the world of Registered Investment Advisors into a tailspin as they raced to understand the changes, how they affected their firm and how they could comply by the deadline. More than a decade and several additional…

Form CRS Examination Compliance

Author: Alisha Dowell On April 7, 2020, the SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) issued a Risk Alert to provide information about initial examinations of SEC-registered broker-dealers and investment advisers (“firms”) taking place after the June 30 compliance deadline for the Form CRS. Firms must file their Form CRS client relationship summaries with…

SEC Announces No Delay for Regulation Best Interest and Form CRS

Author: Ian Meiksins In a statement issued by SEC Chairman, Jay Clayton, the SEC announced it will not be extending the compliance date for the implementation of Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) and Form CRS. The statement said that “because the continued implementation of these conduct and transparency initiatives, individually and collectively, will significantly benefit…

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